Gout is a known health problem among people when they have excessive contains of uric acid in the body. It is known as hyperuricemia where the overload of uric acid will then result in tiny crystals of urate being formed. This will then be deposited into the body tissues which commonly happen around the joints that will then cause inflammation. When this happens repeatedly and on a long-term basis, it becomes arthritis.Prevalence
Gout is widely regarded as a progressive and chronic disease which if not treated in time will cause a lot of pain, particularly in the joints for the person. Chronic gout will continuously grow and when there are too much deposits of hard lumps of uric acid that are formed around the joints, it could lead to very serious complications like kidney stones and joint destruction.
Uric acid is the element which is found in a lot of food we eat. It is derived after purines are broken down in our body. Painful arthritis is also known as a gout attack and that will happen when there is an abnormality in handling the uric acid within the body system. More serious repercussions would include kidney stones and even problems that will eventually lead to kidney failure.
In this context, gouty arthritis is an inflammation of the joint which is extremely painful. In more obvious situations, the person will experience a red, tender and swollen joint. Today, gout problems have become widespread where it is reported to be affecting about 1 to 2% of total population in certain communities.
The main causes of gout are due to the abnormality in handling uric acid in the body. This is very common especially among the obese and those who are experiencing excessive weight gain. Alcohol consumption is another known cause for gout while people with high blood pressure and abnormal kidney functions might experience this problem as well.
The main symptoms of this health problem are when there are swollen areas around the joints which are the most obvious method. That said, gout is a treatable disease where medications are usually prescribed to treat an acute attack of gouty arthritis. However, it is very important that this problem is treated in a long term basis so that it does not reoccur. Fluid intakes are the most basic step that one should take while a gout diet can be planned with minimal purine-contained food types.
The best way to prevent gout from developing in the body is through the diet. This can be done by practicing a diet which will reduce the developing of uric acid in the body. By limiting meat, poultry and fish which are high in purine, it will help in minimizing gout attacks. Red meat is among those known to be most common reasons for gout. Saturated fats must be reduced as well. This is most commonly found in processed food like burgers, chips and fried chicken. Apart from that, the diet must be watched in terms of limiting foods with complex carbohydrates while the body should be kept hydrated at all times while taking supplements which are rich in glucosamine would surely help.
The best way to know if you have a gout attack is when your joints start to ache for no obvious reason. This is most common among those who are not actively involved in activities or sports. However, further examinations can validate if the problem is more serious than expected. A person with a gout problem can face mild to severe pain which could come from a bump around the joints. You will then need to carry out a joint fluid analysis otherwise known as an arthocentesis which will determine if there are uric acid crystals around that joint area.
Gout problems usually occur among adults. This problem is seldom faced by those below 18 years of age as it usually takes time to develop stemming from years of unhealthy diet. In a recent study carried out on the occurrence of gout, it has been found that 76% of those surveyed that experienced a gout attack were not actively or physically involved in sports or exercising. This shows that gouts tend to occur among people who do not walk or move about much which could regulate better blood circulation within the body.
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